JSwipe is the world's largest Jewish dating app. They disrupted the market by catering to a niche audience (Jewish singles) that the larger dating apps lacked the functionality to cater to. But that all changed when the disruptor became disrupted as larger competitors began to threaten their niche by adding functionalities that allowed users to filter matches by religion.

Despite their larger competitors encroaching on their niche offer, we discovered Jewish singles remained loyal to JSwipe. They felt it was a safe and secure space to openly be Jewish, whilst on other more generalist apps, they felt they were at risk of being targeted by anti-semitism. Safety and security was a key emotional need, not satisfied anywhere else. Their users were also sick of the conservative brands that filled the Jewish space. They wanted one that was cheeky and more about the race than the religion.
We looked to leverage what JSwipe's competitors neglected, safety and security, through how JSwipe looked, sounded and acted. This began to inform how the brand externalised in its appearance, messaging and actions. From branded sexual-safety products like condoms to new app features, JSwipe was able to rise back to the top in the face of larger competitors with bigger budgets.

CUT THRU helped re-establish us as the market leader in a fast moving space that's that's being disrupted every few months. We may not have the biggest marketing budget, but at least we have the best brand and that's made all the difference when helping us compete and stay on top.
Founder | JSwipe